Male power for the representatives of the stronger sex plays a very important role, but sometimes it falters. The most effective remedies for potency are developed by modern scientists based on advanced technologies. Also known are proven folk recipes that have long been used to improve erections.

To date, the pharmacological market represents a wide range of drugs to increase potency. They differ in their composition, in terms of exposure time. So, some are able to have a very quick effect, others of them have a rather long-lasting effect, a distinctive feature of the third is the natural composition. Each manufacturer presents his drug as the best remedy for potency. The instructions and, importantly, the doctor's recommendations will help you make the right choice.
Given the features of all existing medicines, they can be divided into several groups:
- The first group includes drugs of a hormonal nature, they include the male hormone testosterone.
- The second group is represented by alternative drugs.
- The third group includes phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors.
- And, of course, a large number of recipes for increasing erection are represented by traditional medicine.
If a man has problems with the functioning of the penis, this certainly haunts him. Such men spend a lot of time looking for a panacea that will quickly solve all problems. Many of the drugs sold do not actually have the desired effect, so a person giving away a significant amount of money may not get the expected effect as a result. In addition, there are many products that do not have a quality certificate, so their impact can have negative health consequences.
Indications for the use of drugs to increase potency are certain symptoms:
- So, they can be resorted to if the genital organ is poorly filled with blood, in the morning and at night there is no involuntary erection, there is insufficient or too fast ejaculation.
- Any disturbances in the functioning of the penis, the lack of the ability to control an erection also indicates that the patient needs certain drugs.
- Treatment may be given if there is no desire for sex and depression due to sexual inability.
male power inhibitors
Many experts claim that the best fertility drugs are phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors. Thanks to the action of their components, blood circulation is restored. Thus, the penis is filled with a sufficient amount of blood, while one of the enzymes (phosphodiesterase type 5) is blocked.
It has been proven that the substance sildenafil can act for 5 hours. However, before taking funds based on it, you need to know about contraindications and side effects:
- it is not recommended to use with hypertension, cardiovascular diseases;
- diabetes mellitus is a contraindication to admission.
To avoid side effects, you need to seek the advice of a specialist.
A drug based on vardenafil from the group of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors has the most powerful effect on the sexual function of a man. Vardenafil begins to fulfill its purpose approximately 30 minutes after ingestion. Within 5 hours, men can experience a persistent erection. However, if sexual intercourse is possible in the next 5 hours, then the erection will be maintained. This is explained by the fact that vardenafil can be stored in a man's body for up to 10 hours.
Hormonal medications
It is known that one of the reasons for the violation of male potency is the lack of sex hormones. If such a reason was revealed during the examination, then the doctor prescribes drugs containing the male hormone testosterone. Thanks to them, it is possible to normalize the level of the hormone in the body.
Traditional medicine recipes
For many years, our ancestors have been collecting and compiling miraculous recipes that help restore male strength.
Most of them include simple, well-known components. At the same time, such funds for raising potency will cost much less in terms of money than those bought at a pharmacy.
The most popular products used by folk healers include garlic, walnuts, onions, chamomile flowers and others.
Garlic and Lemongrass
Garlic is considered a powerful tool to increase sexual desire. Several recipes are known to use it. For example, you can take 1 kg of garlic, peel it, put it in a glass container and pour cold boiled water over it. The container must be covered with a lid and put in a dark place for infusion for 1 month. From time to time, the tincture should be shaken. A month later, the liquid is filtered and drunk 1 tsp each, washed down with milk.
There is another recipe using garlic. To prepare a remedy for increasing erection, a head of garlic is crushed and poured into 0. 7 liters of white fortified wine. The resulting mixture is heated over low heat, gradually bringing to a boil. It only takes about 30 seconds to boil. After cooling, the broth is poured into a glass jar and stored in a dark place at room temperature. You need to take this remedy for 2 tsp. 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 3 days. If necessary, it should be repeated every 10 days.
To increase erection, a plant such as lemongrass is used. It can be used in various ways, but lemongrass tea is considered the simplest and most effective. Any part of this plant can be brewed. Tea has a stimulating and tonic effect. However, it is important to know that drinking such tea is not worth it too much, as this threatens to overexcite the body.
We use baths
Few people know that the best way to increase potency in traditional medicine is therapeutic baths.
It is very easy to make contrast baths at home. To do this, you just need to prepare two deep containers: one with cold water, the other with hot water.
To obtain the desired effect, it is recommended to alternately sit in one or the other water for about 30 seconds. The duration of the entire procedure should be about 15 minutes. It is necessary to be treated in this way for 2 weeks.
Baths with the addition of bay leaf have a powerful effect. To do this, the leaves are pre-brewed.
Then the resulting broth is poured into a bath of warm water. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 20 minutes. Alternatively, you can use a decoction of chamomile instead of bay leaves.
Other options
The following method is also considered effective for raising potency. To prepare a folk remedy, you need 150 g of freshly squeezed juice of an aloe plant, 350 g of red wine (preferably homemade), 250 g of honey and 100 g of pre-chopped rose hips. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed in a glass dish.
This dish is placed in the refrigerator for 10 days. The resulting mixture should be stirred daily. Men with problems of sexual function are recommended to take the composition of 1 tbsp. l. three times a day half an hour before meals.
So, there are many means to restore male power. They are represented by both pharmaceutical preparations and traditional medicine products. However, it is important to remember that almost all of them have some contraindications for use and may cause unwanted reactions. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.